Chinese MedicineChinese Medicine, also called Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM, is a holistic medicine that has been used for thousands of years in China. Acupuncture has helped Chinese Medicine become popular in Europe and North America, but the medicine actually includes a full range of different therapies and healing techniques. The main methods include acupuncture, moxabustion, herbal therapy, bodywork including tui na massage, cupping, and gua sha, and several kinds of lifestyle and diet coaching.
Chinese Medicine TherapiesAcupuncture
Acupuncture is the technique of inserting fine sterile metal needles into acupuncture points on the body or ear to regulate the body’s Qi, or vital energy, in order to promote healing. Moxibustion A complement to acupuncture, moxabustion is the burning of the herb mugwort to warm acupuncture points. Herbal Therapy Chinese Medicine focuses on using herbs in balanced formulas for the specific pattern of imbalance. Tui Na (Massage and Body Work) Using the hands or tools, tui na includes massage, cupping, and gua sha scraping therapies. Diet and Lifestyle Coaching The practitioner examines the full scope of the client’s life and makes recommendations that are intended for maintaining health beyond treatment and to be able to stay in balance without constant interventions by external therapy. |
Missed Appointments
A minimum of 24 hours notice is required to cancel appointments. Any cancelled appointments
with less than 24 hours notice or any missed/no-show appointments will result in full billing of
the missed treatment. In cases of severe weather or illness, please try to give as much notice as
possible, as the policy will still apply. Exceptional circumstances will be considered regarding this policy.
A minimum of 24 hours notice is required to cancel appointments. Any cancelled appointments
with less than 24 hours notice or any missed/no-show appointments will result in full billing of
the missed treatment. In cases of severe weather or illness, please try to give as much notice as
possible, as the policy will still apply. Exceptional circumstances will be considered regarding this policy.